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The Gardens Between Guide

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World 1

Level 1

The Gardens Between is a breathtaking puzzle adventure that follows best friends, Arina and Frendt, as they fall into a surreal world of garden islands and boundless sea. Traverse back and forwards in time to discover each garden's secrets and, along the way, reveal a. The Gardens Between is a pretty, bittersweet puzzle game that takes a single, simple idea and spins out a half-day's solid entertainment. Set on a series of small, themed islands, it's a game. The Gardens Between is a masterpiece of minimalist storytelling, weaving a wordless tale of friendship and time. By drawing upon a few, nearly-universal childhood events, it allows the player to fill in the story with their own emotions and memories, creating a shockingly moving, personal experience.

Go forward until you are blocked by the falling cardboard box, then reverse all the way until you see the light orb descend on to a small pedestal. Now go forward again and get Arina to collect the light orb in her lantern. Carry it up the path to the top, and place it on the stone receptacle.

Level 2

Proceed forward and get Frendt to ring the bell, opening a plant and revealing a light orb. Backtrack and have Arina pick it up, then go forward and use it to create a temporary bridge that you will cross over. Collect another light orb ahead then jump over the boxes, and the orb will be consumed by the darkness. Have Frendt ring the next bell to hide the darkness. Backtrack and get another light orb, then carry it to the top and place it on the receptacle.



Move backward and forward until you see the door light up, then wait for a few seconds Moving In. Now go forward to discover the next world.

World 2

Level 1

Go forward until you have the opportunity to put your lantern on the lantern holder, then go backward so that the lantern catches a light orb. Go forward and pick it up, then carry it forward and use it to create a temporary bridge. Put the lantern on top of the lantern holder when you get a chance, then keep going up towards the top of the island. Have Frendt ring the bell to hide the darkness nearby, at about the same time as the lantern catches a light orb. Weather guru 2 3 6 x 4. Go backward so that Arina can pick it up. Carry the light orb to the receptacle at the very top.

Level 2

Go forward and you will automatically collect a light orb in your lantern, then lose it to the darkness. Keep going forward until you can put your lantern on the lantern holder. Backtrack until the lantern collects a light orb, then go forward and pick it up again. Use it to make a bridge. Continue forward until you catch a light orb in the lantern, then go back and deposit the lantern on the lantern holder. Go forward and pick it up at the next opportunity, walking forward beneath an overpass. Put the lantern back on the lantern holder on the other side. Keep going up to the top and grab the lantern once more, before jumping over the gap and putting it in the receptacle.


Move backward and forward until you see the icebox light up, then wait for a few seconds New Friends. Now go forward to discover the next world.

World 3

Level 1

Go forward until Frendt can use a time device to rewind so that the Jenga blocks go back up to the table above. Now continue forward and collect a light orb, using it to cross the bridge ahead. Use the next time device to fast forward so that everything falls off the table. Walk forward so that Arina collects another light orb. Backtrack so that Frendt can ring the bell to swap the position of the darkness, then go back further and use the time device to rewind to the beginning Reset The Dominos. Now head forward and ring the bell once more, so you can go all the way to the top and place the light orb in its receptacle.

Level 2

Go forward to the end so that Frendt can use the time device; rewind to plug the cable into the electrical socket. Now walk backward until Frendt interacts with the remote control and ejects the video cassette. Go forward again and you will walk up this to reach the next area. Keep going and collect a light orb that you can use to get over a bridge. Put your lantern on the lantern holder ahead, then continue and see it jump inside the video game. Get Frendt to use the time device and rewind until the rooster turns into a crow. Now go back so that the lantern holder collects the light orb in the lantern. Have Frendt use the time device again and fast forward so the crow gets killed in the video game Game Over. Walk back so Arina can get the lantern back, then carry the orb up to the receptacle.

Level 3

Walk forward and have Frendt use the time device, rewinding to bring the lantern holder closer to you. Now get Arina to put her lantern on the lantern holder. Use the time device again, stopping the lantern holder directly in line with the light stand. Now go forward and the lantern should catch a light orb as it drops past. Rewind time once more to bring the light orb back to you. Arina can now pick it up and use it to activate the bridge ahead.

Over the bridge, Frendt can use another time device. This time, bring the lantern holder to stop beneath a small red carpet. Walk forward, and this will stop the carpet from falling down Great Catch!. Now ring the bell here to reveal a light orb floating down in the water. Go back to the time device and move the lantern holder back next to Arina, so she can put her lantern on it. Use the time device to move the lantern holder just in front of the popcorn bowl, then walk forward and it will catch the light orb. Use the time device once more to bring it back to Arina. Pick up the lantern again and carry the light orb up to the receptacle.


Move backward and forward until you see the television light up, then wait for a few seconds Staying Up Late. Now move backward and forward so that Frendt gets hit with the popcorn at least 5 times Friendly Fire. Now go forward to discover the next world.

World 4

Level 1

Walk forward to collect the light orb, going over a smoke bridge and then clearing some smoke along the path before the darkness consumes it. Keep going and Arina will jump on to a saw. Keep going backward and forward on the saw until the plank breaks Saw Through Time. Ring the bell ahead to reveal a light orb, and Arina will automatically collect it in her lantern. Keep spiraling upward and your orb will be consumed, but just keep going to get another one. Backtrack to the nearby bell and ring it, then go back some more so your light orb is consumed again. Now you can keep going forward, over a smoke bridge. Get one more light orb on your way up to the receptacle.

Level 2

Ring the bell just ahead, then keep an eye on the nearest lantern holder as you make your way upwards. When Arina reaches the 3 lantern holders, put the lantern on the one on the right. Go backward so that it collects a light orb, then forward again so you can pick it up. Use the light orb to get across the bridge. Now go all the way to the top and put your lantern on the pink lantern holder closest to the receptacle. Go backward until it gets a light orb, then forward again so you can pick it up. Place it on the receptacle.

Level 3

Use the time device to bring the elevator down to be level with Arina. Put the lantern on the lantern holder, then use the time device to carry it down to the ground to pick up a light orb, before bringing it back up to Arina. Have Arina pick it up again, then walk around and use it to activate a bridge. Use the next time device to bring the elevator next to Arina again, so she can put her lantern on the lantern holder. Use the time device to take this down to the ground to get another light orb, then bring it up past where Arina is waiting, so that it disables some smoke near a bell ahead. Continue forward and get Frendt to ring the bell.

Go back and use the time device to bring the elevator down slightly, then have Arina pick up her lantern. Use the time device to move the elevator again so that the darkness is at the same level as the large plume of smoke above. Walk forward through this smoke, and the light orb will be consumed by the darkness. At the top, walk over the smoke bridge, then use the time device to bring the elevator all the way to the top. Have Arina stand on the elevator, then use the time device to take her all the way down to the ground to get a light orb Gone Fishing. Bring her back up to the top again. Now put the light orb in the receptacle.


Move backward and forward until you see the poster light up, then wait for a few seconds Our Secret Clubhouse. Now go forward to discover the next world.

World 5

Level 1

Run forward and you will type 2764 on the keypad. Keep going and you should see the number 644676 highlighted on the gold rotating stamper above. Go back to the keypad and complete an incorrect 6-digit code (276446), then carefully type in 644676. Wait for the program to load on the computer, then keep pressing keys so that the first symbol is highlighted. Go forward and use the time device, going forward to reveal a bell beneath the printer. Go over and ring the bell.

Proceed further forward so that Frendt uses the oscilloscope. Find the frequency where the glass over the light orb starts vibrating and keep it there until it shatters. Now you can just climb the ladder and walk forward to get the light orb and put it in the receptacle.

Level 2

Walk forward and get Frendt to use the time device, traveling backward in time to a position where the bell ahead is not encased in amber, but the path to it remains open. Now go forward and ring the bell. Next head backward and Arina's lantern should collect a light orb. Use the time device to go forward in time so that a large bone forms a bridge going upwards. Go up here, through some fog, and your light orb will be consumed by the darkness.

Continue forward so Frendt can use another time device, traveling backward so the brown boulder doesn't block the path, but the larger bone remains present. Go forward some more and get another light orb at the end of this path, then put the lantern on the lantern holder. Return to the time device and rewind all the way to the beginning, so 2 bells are rung and the darkness moves. Change time back to the previous setting, so you can go down and retrieve the lantern again. Go back to the time device and rewind all the way to the beginning, to move the darkness again. Now find a position so that the path is clear heading up the path to the right. Climb up towards the top, where Frendt can use one more time device to create a path further up. Deposit the light orb on its receptacle.


Move backward and forward until you see the egg light up, then wait for a few seconds Mischievous Discoveries. Now go forward to discover the next world.

World 6

Level 1

Head forward and Arina will collect a light orb in her lantern. Keep going until Frendt can use a time device, and choose to rewind as far as possible. Now get Arina to put her lantern on the purple lantern holder nearby. Use the time device again to move time all the way forward. Backtrack until Arina can collect the lantern again, then go forward and have Frendt ring the bell here. Backtrack again and put the lantern back on the purple lantern holder. Go forward and have Frendt use the the time device, rewinding back to the beginning.

Go forward once more and get Arina to retrieve the lantern. Backtrack and the light orb will be consumed by the darkness along the lower path. Keep going back and you will get another light orb. Deposit this on the blue lantern holder right back near the beginning of the level. Go forward and get Frendt to use the time device, going forward as far as possible. Now keep walking and Arina can collect the lantern, then deposit the light orb on the receptacle straight ahead.

Level 2

Walk forward over the pipe. As you turn the corner, a large water drop will fall behind you and briefly short the electrical wires. Wait here while it does this and powers up the lights, then quickly run past before the fog returns. Keep following the path, ignoring the time device for now. Just before you reach the next fog, you will be able to find a position to short the electrical wires with another water drop. Run past the fog, and get Frendt to ring a bell down near the end. Go back past the fog by shorting the wires again. Now use the time device, fast-forwarding to break the pipes and create a steady stream of water. Now backtrack to the start of the level, and Arina will obtain a light orb.

Start going forward again, and place the lantern on the lantern holder. Use the time device to rewind and repair the pipe. Get past the next fog using the water drop as before. Make your way down to the bottom and get the lantern back, then put the orb in the receptacle.

Level 3

Have Frendt use the first time device to allow Arina to cross over the first gap using the second can. Next use the second time device to rewind so that Frendt can cross over the first gap using the first can - they will both then also make it over the second gap safely. In the next area, have Arina jump off the tap to spin it, then just wait in the air until a rock eventually surfaces below, so that Frendt can cross over.

Go forward until Frendt reaches another time device. Use this to position the platform with the green bottle and the bell in line with the second gap. Run over the 2 gaps, then use the time device on the other side to rewind so you can get back on to the platform with the bell and ring it. Use the second time device so you can go back over both gaps (starting with the pizza box), then backtrack all the way so that Arina can get the light orb.

Head to the time device and this time line it up so that both of you can run over a large cardboard box. Get Arina to put the lantern on the lantern holder here, then go back over the box again. Now line up so that green bottle is in line with the second gap, and go right across, picking up the lantern again on the way. Go up to the top and put the light orb on the receptacle.


Move backward and forward until you see the left valve light up, then wait for a few seconds An Expedition Goes Down The Drain. Instabro 5 3 2 esv. Now go forward to discover the next world.

World 7

Level 1

Go to the end of the path so that Arina can collect a light orb. Backtrack and have Frendt use the time device, scrolling forward until the lantern holder is on the whale's tail in the artwork. Now go forward so that you can use the light orb to cross over a bridge. Continue to the next time device, and use it to go forward so the lantern holder is in the tire. Backtrack and get Arina to put her lantern on the lantern holder. Now use the time device to rewind so the lantern holder is at the top of the red slide. Backtrack until you see the lantern holder in the background getting a light orb. Use the time device once more, going forward to the end to knock down the wooden platform, then placing the lantern holder back in the tire. Pick up the lantern with the light orb, and carry it up to the receptacle.

Level 2

Walk along the lower path (go through when the light orb is near enough to get rid of the fog). Collect a light orb in Arina's lantern from the same source. Also bring Frendt along the lower path, and have him ring the bell to reveal some darkness further along in the level. Continue forward through the fog and over a fog bridge.

Make your way up to the top of the level. Get Frendt to change the music to the blue track, waiting for the blue lantern holder to stop near Arina, then head forward and put the lantern on the blue lantern holder. Go back to the blue music track, waiting for the blue lantern holder to stop on the platform below, then head backward and wait for the light orb to transfer to the lantern. Move the blue lantern holder to the bottom-most point of the island, then move the darkness to the cassette tape, and finally bring the blue lantern holder back up to the top again. Collect the lantern, holding the light orb. Head back down the path to reveal what is behind the fog here Found You!. Macbooster 6 0 1. Now go all the way up to the top and place the light orb in the receptacle.

Level 3

Go forward and collect the light orb. Place it on the lantern holder on the other side of the first fog. Walk over the fog bridge and get Frendt to ring the bell. Go back and pick up the lantern, then carry it forward to have the light consumed by the darkness. Keep going forward to get another light orb, then use this to cross the next bridge.

Continue forward and ring another bell, so Arina can get another light orb. Ring the bell again, then press on. Get Arina to put the lantern on the next lantern holder. Head up the stairs and ladder so that Frendt can use a time device - go forward in time until you can see the silhouette of a bell just above the stairs to the right. Go up and ring that bell. Now use the time device again to rewind slightly so that the darkness consumes the light orb in your lantern. Rewind time fully, then go back down and collect the lantern again. Start coming back up and get light from the moon Reach For The Sky. Now go all the way to the top and put this in the receptacle.


Move backward and forward until you see the telescope light up, then wait for a few seconds Stargazing. Now go forward to discover the next world.

World 8

Level 1

Walk up the slope and put your lantern on the first lantern holder. Go backward until the lantern catches a light orb, then pick it up again. Go further up and use this to cross a bridge.

Further ahead, place your lantern on the first lantern holder you reach. Continue forward until it catches a light orb, then pick it up again. Go back slightly and get Frendt to ring the bell. Place the lantern on the middle lantern holder, then head up the slope further, past some fog and over a fog bridge. Pick up the lantern again and use the light orb to cross another bridge.

The Gardens Between Achievement Guide

Level 2

Head forward and stop when Arina is directly behind and beneath the oscilloscope, then wait for lightning to strike Don't touch that!. Keep going up and pause while the lightning is about to strike the saw, so that it destroys the rocks blocking your path. Keep going until Frendt can use a time device; go forward until the power cord for the television is close to the globe. Now walk forward and pause while the lightning is about to strike the paint tin, so that it ends up destroying the television through its power cord. Go up and pause while the lantern holder is on the hose, to eventually blow away the beach ball. Go up further and put your lantern on the lantern holder.

Backtrack until the lantern ends up inside the television. Use the time device to plug in the television again. Run forward until you see the lantern in the television get a light orb, then step forward and pick it up. Use the light orb to cross one more bridge.

Level 3

All you need to do here is follow the path and use the light orb in the receptacle at the top.


Go forward in the final memory and watch the ending The Gardens Complete.

Genesis tells us that the human heart was created in the perfection of the garden of Eden.

Can you imagine what the world looked like when God first created it? When He said it was all good. Very good. And it was all perfect.

Perfection's symphony filled the atmosphere. Everything ebbed and flowed in complete harmony. It sang with the richest tones. And danced with ridiculous precision. There was nothing that didn't look right or feel right. It was beautiful and peaceful and fulfilling. There was perfect peace in relationships. Adam and Eve were so beautifully connected to each other, and they lived in the perfect presence of God. It was paradise with unique intimacy where God would interact in direct relationship with Adam and Eve. There was perfect provision and perfect fulfillment of their purpose. There was no sadness or confusion or injustice. There was no disease or divorce or depression or death. There were no misaligned motives, no manipulations, no malicious intentions.

It was everything you could ever dream up and then so much more than that.

So the human heart was created in the context of the perfection of the garden of Eden. But we don't live there now.

This is why our instincts keep firing off the lie that perfection is possible.

We have pictures of perfection etched into the very DNA of our souls.

We chase it. We angle our cameras trying to catch it. We take twenty shots in hopes of finding it. And then even our good photos have to be color corrected, filtered, and cropped.

We do our very best to make others think this posted picture is the real deal. But we all know the truth. We all see the charade. We all know the emperor is naked. But there we are, clapping on the sidelines, following along, playing the game. Trying to believe that maybe, just maybe, if we get close to something that looks like perfection it will help us snag a little of its shine for ourselves.

But we know even the shiniest of things is headed in the direction of becoming dull. New will always eventually become old. Followers unfollow. Jackpot city free spins. People who lift us up will let us down. The most tightly knit aspects of life snag, unravel, and disintegrate before our very eyes.

And so we are epically disappointed. But we aren't talking about it. We don't even feel permission to do so or we just don't know how to process our disappointments. Especially not in Bible study or Sunday church. Because everyone says, 'Be grateful and positive, and let your faith boss your feelings around.'

And I do believe we need to be grateful and positive and let our faith boss our feelings around. But I also think there's a dangerous aspect to staying quiet and pretending we don't get exhausted by our disappointments.

Qnap software for windows. In the quiet, unexpressed, unwrestled-through disappointments, Satan is handcrafting his most damning weapons against us and those we love. It's his subtle seduction to get us alone with our thoughts so he can slip in whispers that will develop our disappointments into destructive choices.

The Gardens Between Achievement Guide

If the enemy can isolate us, he can influence us. Alien skin exposure x4 4 0 0 20 download free.

And his favorite entry point of all is through our disappointments. The enemy comes in as a whisper, lingers like a gentle breeze, and builds like a storm you don't even see coming. But eventually his insatiable appetite to destroy will unleash the tornado of destruction he planned all along. He doesn't whisper to our disappointed places to coddle us. He wants to crush us.

And counselors everywhere are telling brokenhearted people sitting on tear-soaked couches that one of the reasons their relationships failed is because of conversations they needed to have but never did.

If we don't open up a way to process our disappointments, we'll be tempted to let Satan rewrite God's love story as a negative narrative, leaving us more than slightly suspicious of our Creator. Why would He create our hearts in the perfection of the garden of Eden knowing that, because of our eventual sin, we wouldn't live there?

I mean, once Adam and Eve sinned, couldn't God strip the awareness and craving for perfection out of their hearts before He banished them from the garden? Yes, He certainly could have done that. But to strip out the cause of our disappointment would also rob us of the glorious hope of where we are headed.

Remember, this is a love story.

And we will never appreciate or even desire the hope of our True Love if lesser loves don't disappoint. The piercing angst of disappointment in everything on this side of eternity creates a discontent with this world and pushes us to long for God Himself — and for the place where we will finally walk in the garden with Him again. Where we will finally have peace and security and eyes that no longer leak tears… and hearts that are no longer broken.

The Bible begins with the book of Genesis, set in the first garden of Eden. What is on my mac. But never forget, it ends with Eden restored in the last chapters of Revelation, the last book.


Move backward and forward until you see the door light up, then wait for a few seconds Moving In. Now go forward to discover the next world.

World 2

Level 1

Go forward until you have the opportunity to put your lantern on the lantern holder, then go backward so that the lantern catches a light orb. Go forward and pick it up, then carry it forward and use it to create a temporary bridge. Put the lantern on top of the lantern holder when you get a chance, then keep going up towards the top of the island. Have Frendt ring the bell to hide the darkness nearby, at about the same time as the lantern catches a light orb. Weather guru 2 3 6 x 4. Go backward so that Arina can pick it up. Carry the light orb to the receptacle at the very top.

Level 2

Go forward and you will automatically collect a light orb in your lantern, then lose it to the darkness. Keep going forward until you can put your lantern on the lantern holder. Backtrack until the lantern collects a light orb, then go forward and pick it up again. Use it to make a bridge. Continue forward until you catch a light orb in the lantern, then go back and deposit the lantern on the lantern holder. Go forward and pick it up at the next opportunity, walking forward beneath an overpass. Put the lantern back on the lantern holder on the other side. Keep going up to the top and grab the lantern once more, before jumping over the gap and putting it in the receptacle.


Move backward and forward until you see the icebox light up, then wait for a few seconds New Friends. Now go forward to discover the next world.

World 3

Level 1

Go forward until Frendt can use a time device to rewind so that the Jenga blocks go back up to the table above. Now continue forward and collect a light orb, using it to cross the bridge ahead. Use the next time device to fast forward so that everything falls off the table. Walk forward so that Arina collects another light orb. Backtrack so that Frendt can ring the bell to swap the position of the darkness, then go back further and use the time device to rewind to the beginning Reset The Dominos. Now head forward and ring the bell once more, so you can go all the way to the top and place the light orb in its receptacle.

Level 2

Go forward to the end so that Frendt can use the time device; rewind to plug the cable into the electrical socket. Now walk backward until Frendt interacts with the remote control and ejects the video cassette. Go forward again and you will walk up this to reach the next area. Keep going and collect a light orb that you can use to get over a bridge. Put your lantern on the lantern holder ahead, then continue and see it jump inside the video game. Get Frendt to use the time device and rewind until the rooster turns into a crow. Now go back so that the lantern holder collects the light orb in the lantern. Have Frendt use the time device again and fast forward so the crow gets killed in the video game Game Over. Walk back so Arina can get the lantern back, then carry the orb up to the receptacle.

Level 3

Walk forward and have Frendt use the time device, rewinding to bring the lantern holder closer to you. Now get Arina to put her lantern on the lantern holder. Use the time device again, stopping the lantern holder directly in line with the light stand. Now go forward and the lantern should catch a light orb as it drops past. Rewind time once more to bring the light orb back to you. Arina can now pick it up and use it to activate the bridge ahead.

Over the bridge, Frendt can use another time device. This time, bring the lantern holder to stop beneath a small red carpet. Walk forward, and this will stop the carpet from falling down Great Catch!. Now ring the bell here to reveal a light orb floating down in the water. Go back to the time device and move the lantern holder back next to Arina, so she can put her lantern on it. Use the time device to move the lantern holder just in front of the popcorn bowl, then walk forward and it will catch the light orb. Use the time device once more to bring it back to Arina. Pick up the lantern again and carry the light orb up to the receptacle.


Move backward and forward until you see the television light up, then wait for a few seconds Staying Up Late. Now move backward and forward so that Frendt gets hit with the popcorn at least 5 times Friendly Fire. Now go forward to discover the next world.

World 4

Level 1

Walk forward to collect the light orb, going over a smoke bridge and then clearing some smoke along the path before the darkness consumes it. Keep going and Arina will jump on to a saw. Keep going backward and forward on the saw until the plank breaks Saw Through Time. Ring the bell ahead to reveal a light orb, and Arina will automatically collect it in her lantern. Keep spiraling upward and your orb will be consumed, but just keep going to get another one. Backtrack to the nearby bell and ring it, then go back some more so your light orb is consumed again. Now you can keep going forward, over a smoke bridge. Get one more light orb on your way up to the receptacle.

Level 2

Ring the bell just ahead, then keep an eye on the nearest lantern holder as you make your way upwards. When Arina reaches the 3 lantern holders, put the lantern on the one on the right. Go backward so that it collects a light orb, then forward again so you can pick it up. Use the light orb to get across the bridge. Now go all the way to the top and put your lantern on the pink lantern holder closest to the receptacle. Go backward until it gets a light orb, then forward again so you can pick it up. Place it on the receptacle.

Level 3

Use the time device to bring the elevator down to be level with Arina. Put the lantern on the lantern holder, then use the time device to carry it down to the ground to pick up a light orb, before bringing it back up to Arina. Have Arina pick it up again, then walk around and use it to activate a bridge. Use the next time device to bring the elevator next to Arina again, so she can put her lantern on the lantern holder. Use the time device to take this down to the ground to get another light orb, then bring it up past where Arina is waiting, so that it disables some smoke near a bell ahead. Continue forward and get Frendt to ring the bell.

Go back and use the time device to bring the elevator down slightly, then have Arina pick up her lantern. Use the time device to move the elevator again so that the darkness is at the same level as the large plume of smoke above. Walk forward through this smoke, and the light orb will be consumed by the darkness. At the top, walk over the smoke bridge, then use the time device to bring the elevator all the way to the top. Have Arina stand on the elevator, then use the time device to take her all the way down to the ground to get a light orb Gone Fishing. Bring her back up to the top again. Now put the light orb in the receptacle.


Move backward and forward until you see the poster light up, then wait for a few seconds Our Secret Clubhouse. Now go forward to discover the next world.

World 5

Level 1

Run forward and you will type 2764 on the keypad. Keep going and you should see the number 644676 highlighted on the gold rotating stamper above. Go back to the keypad and complete an incorrect 6-digit code (276446), then carefully type in 644676. Wait for the program to load on the computer, then keep pressing keys so that the first symbol is highlighted. Go forward and use the time device, going forward to reveal a bell beneath the printer. Go over and ring the bell.

Proceed further forward so that Frendt uses the oscilloscope. Find the frequency where the glass over the light orb starts vibrating and keep it there until it shatters. Now you can just climb the ladder and walk forward to get the light orb and put it in the receptacle.

Level 2

Walk forward and get Frendt to use the time device, traveling backward in time to a position where the bell ahead is not encased in amber, but the path to it remains open. Now go forward and ring the bell. Next head backward and Arina's lantern should collect a light orb. Use the time device to go forward in time so that a large bone forms a bridge going upwards. Go up here, through some fog, and your light orb will be consumed by the darkness.

Continue forward so Frendt can use another time device, traveling backward so the brown boulder doesn't block the path, but the larger bone remains present. Go forward some more and get another light orb at the end of this path, then put the lantern on the lantern holder. Return to the time device and rewind all the way to the beginning, so 2 bells are rung and the darkness moves. Change time back to the previous setting, so you can go down and retrieve the lantern again. Go back to the time device and rewind all the way to the beginning, to move the darkness again. Now find a position so that the path is clear heading up the path to the right. Climb up towards the top, where Frendt can use one more time device to create a path further up. Deposit the light orb on its receptacle.


Move backward and forward until you see the egg light up, then wait for a few seconds Mischievous Discoveries. Now go forward to discover the next world.

World 6

Level 1

Head forward and Arina will collect a light orb in her lantern. Keep going until Frendt can use a time device, and choose to rewind as far as possible. Now get Arina to put her lantern on the purple lantern holder nearby. Use the time device again to move time all the way forward. Backtrack until Arina can collect the lantern again, then go forward and have Frendt ring the bell here. Backtrack again and put the lantern back on the purple lantern holder. Go forward and have Frendt use the the time device, rewinding back to the beginning.

Go forward once more and get Arina to retrieve the lantern. Backtrack and the light orb will be consumed by the darkness along the lower path. Keep going back and you will get another light orb. Deposit this on the blue lantern holder right back near the beginning of the level. Go forward and get Frendt to use the time device, going forward as far as possible. Now keep walking and Arina can collect the lantern, then deposit the light orb on the receptacle straight ahead.

Level 2

Walk forward over the pipe. As you turn the corner, a large water drop will fall behind you and briefly short the electrical wires. Wait here while it does this and powers up the lights, then quickly run past before the fog returns. Keep following the path, ignoring the time device for now. Just before you reach the next fog, you will be able to find a position to short the electrical wires with another water drop. Run past the fog, and get Frendt to ring a bell down near the end. Go back past the fog by shorting the wires again. Now use the time device, fast-forwarding to break the pipes and create a steady stream of water. Now backtrack to the start of the level, and Arina will obtain a light orb.

Start going forward again, and place the lantern on the lantern holder. Use the time device to rewind and repair the pipe. Get past the next fog using the water drop as before. Make your way down to the bottom and get the lantern back, then put the orb in the receptacle.

Level 3

Have Frendt use the first time device to allow Arina to cross over the first gap using the second can. Next use the second time device to rewind so that Frendt can cross over the first gap using the first can - they will both then also make it over the second gap safely. In the next area, have Arina jump off the tap to spin it, then just wait in the air until a rock eventually surfaces below, so that Frendt can cross over.

Go forward until Frendt reaches another time device. Use this to position the platform with the green bottle and the bell in line with the second gap. Run over the 2 gaps, then use the time device on the other side to rewind so you can get back on to the platform with the bell and ring it. Use the second time device so you can go back over both gaps (starting with the pizza box), then backtrack all the way so that Arina can get the light orb.

Head to the time device and this time line it up so that both of you can run over a large cardboard box. Get Arina to put the lantern on the lantern holder here, then go back over the box again. Now line up so that green bottle is in line with the second gap, and go right across, picking up the lantern again on the way. Go up to the top and put the light orb on the receptacle.


Move backward and forward until you see the left valve light up, then wait for a few seconds An Expedition Goes Down The Drain. Instabro 5 3 2 esv. Now go forward to discover the next world.

World 7

Level 1

Go to the end of the path so that Arina can collect a light orb. Backtrack and have Frendt use the time device, scrolling forward until the lantern holder is on the whale's tail in the artwork. Now go forward so that you can use the light orb to cross over a bridge. Continue to the next time device, and use it to go forward so the lantern holder is in the tire. Backtrack and get Arina to put her lantern on the lantern holder. Now use the time device to rewind so the lantern holder is at the top of the red slide. Backtrack until you see the lantern holder in the background getting a light orb. Use the time device once more, going forward to the end to knock down the wooden platform, then placing the lantern holder back in the tire. Pick up the lantern with the light orb, and carry it up to the receptacle.

Level 2

Walk along the lower path (go through when the light orb is near enough to get rid of the fog). Collect a light orb in Arina's lantern from the same source. Also bring Frendt along the lower path, and have him ring the bell to reveal some darkness further along in the level. Continue forward through the fog and over a fog bridge.

Make your way up to the top of the level. Get Frendt to change the music to the blue track, waiting for the blue lantern holder to stop near Arina, then head forward and put the lantern on the blue lantern holder. Go back to the blue music track, waiting for the blue lantern holder to stop on the platform below, then head backward and wait for the light orb to transfer to the lantern. Move the blue lantern holder to the bottom-most point of the island, then move the darkness to the cassette tape, and finally bring the blue lantern holder back up to the top again. Collect the lantern, holding the light orb. Head back down the path to reveal what is behind the fog here Found You!. Macbooster 6 0 1. Now go all the way up to the top and place the light orb in the receptacle.

Level 3

Go forward and collect the light orb. Place it on the lantern holder on the other side of the first fog. Walk over the fog bridge and get Frendt to ring the bell. Go back and pick up the lantern, then carry it forward to have the light consumed by the darkness. Keep going forward to get another light orb, then use this to cross the next bridge.

Continue forward and ring another bell, so Arina can get another light orb. Ring the bell again, then press on. Get Arina to put the lantern on the next lantern holder. Head up the stairs and ladder so that Frendt can use a time device - go forward in time until you can see the silhouette of a bell just above the stairs to the right. Go up and ring that bell. Now use the time device again to rewind slightly so that the darkness consumes the light orb in your lantern. Rewind time fully, then go back down and collect the lantern again. Start coming back up and get light from the moon Reach For The Sky. Now go all the way to the top and put this in the receptacle.


Move backward and forward until you see the telescope light up, then wait for a few seconds Stargazing. Now go forward to discover the next world.

World 8

Level 1

Walk up the slope and put your lantern on the first lantern holder. Go backward until the lantern catches a light orb, then pick it up again. Go further up and use this to cross a bridge.

Further ahead, place your lantern on the first lantern holder you reach. Continue forward until it catches a light orb, then pick it up again. Go back slightly and get Frendt to ring the bell. Place the lantern on the middle lantern holder, then head up the slope further, past some fog and over a fog bridge. Pick up the lantern again and use the light orb to cross another bridge.

The Gardens Between Achievement Guide

Level 2

Head forward and stop when Arina is directly behind and beneath the oscilloscope, then wait for lightning to strike Don't touch that!. Keep going up and pause while the lightning is about to strike the saw, so that it destroys the rocks blocking your path. Keep going until Frendt can use a time device; go forward until the power cord for the television is close to the globe. Now walk forward and pause while the lightning is about to strike the paint tin, so that it ends up destroying the television through its power cord. Go up and pause while the lantern holder is on the hose, to eventually blow away the beach ball. Go up further and put your lantern on the lantern holder.

Backtrack until the lantern ends up inside the television. Use the time device to plug in the television again. Run forward until you see the lantern in the television get a light orb, then step forward and pick it up. Use the light orb to cross one more bridge.

Level 3

All you need to do here is follow the path and use the light orb in the receptacle at the top.


Go forward in the final memory and watch the ending The Gardens Complete.

Genesis tells us that the human heart was created in the perfection of the garden of Eden.

Can you imagine what the world looked like when God first created it? When He said it was all good. Very good. And it was all perfect.

Perfection's symphony filled the atmosphere. Everything ebbed and flowed in complete harmony. It sang with the richest tones. And danced with ridiculous precision. There was nothing that didn't look right or feel right. It was beautiful and peaceful and fulfilling. There was perfect peace in relationships. Adam and Eve were so beautifully connected to each other, and they lived in the perfect presence of God. It was paradise with unique intimacy where God would interact in direct relationship with Adam and Eve. There was perfect provision and perfect fulfillment of their purpose. There was no sadness or confusion or injustice. There was no disease or divorce or depression or death. There were no misaligned motives, no manipulations, no malicious intentions.

It was everything you could ever dream up and then so much more than that.

So the human heart was created in the context of the perfection of the garden of Eden. But we don't live there now.

This is why our instincts keep firing off the lie that perfection is possible.

We have pictures of perfection etched into the very DNA of our souls.

We chase it. We angle our cameras trying to catch it. We take twenty shots in hopes of finding it. And then even our good photos have to be color corrected, filtered, and cropped.

We do our very best to make others think this posted picture is the real deal. But we all know the truth. We all see the charade. We all know the emperor is naked. But there we are, clapping on the sidelines, following along, playing the game. Trying to believe that maybe, just maybe, if we get close to something that looks like perfection it will help us snag a little of its shine for ourselves.

But we know even the shiniest of things is headed in the direction of becoming dull. New will always eventually become old. Followers unfollow. Jackpot city free spins. People who lift us up will let us down. The most tightly knit aspects of life snag, unravel, and disintegrate before our very eyes.

And so we are epically disappointed. But we aren't talking about it. We don't even feel permission to do so or we just don't know how to process our disappointments. Especially not in Bible study or Sunday church. Because everyone says, 'Be grateful and positive, and let your faith boss your feelings around.'

And I do believe we need to be grateful and positive and let our faith boss our feelings around. But I also think there's a dangerous aspect to staying quiet and pretending we don't get exhausted by our disappointments.

Qnap software for windows. In the quiet, unexpressed, unwrestled-through disappointments, Satan is handcrafting his most damning weapons against us and those we love. It's his subtle seduction to get us alone with our thoughts so he can slip in whispers that will develop our disappointments into destructive choices.

The Gardens Between Achievement Guide

If the enemy can isolate us, he can influence us. Alien skin exposure x4 4 0 0 20 download free.

And his favorite entry point of all is through our disappointments. The enemy comes in as a whisper, lingers like a gentle breeze, and builds like a storm you don't even see coming. But eventually his insatiable appetite to destroy will unleash the tornado of destruction he planned all along. He doesn't whisper to our disappointed places to coddle us. He wants to crush us.

And counselors everywhere are telling brokenhearted people sitting on tear-soaked couches that one of the reasons their relationships failed is because of conversations they needed to have but never did.

If we don't open up a way to process our disappointments, we'll be tempted to let Satan rewrite God's love story as a negative narrative, leaving us more than slightly suspicious of our Creator. Why would He create our hearts in the perfection of the garden of Eden knowing that, because of our eventual sin, we wouldn't live there?

I mean, once Adam and Eve sinned, couldn't God strip the awareness and craving for perfection out of their hearts before He banished them from the garden? Yes, He certainly could have done that. But to strip out the cause of our disappointment would also rob us of the glorious hope of where we are headed.

Remember, this is a love story.

And we will never appreciate or even desire the hope of our True Love if lesser loves don't disappoint. The piercing angst of disappointment in everything on this side of eternity creates a discontent with this world and pushes us to long for God Himself — and for the place where we will finally walk in the garden with Him again. Where we will finally have peace and security and eyes that no longer leak tears… and hearts that are no longer broken.

The Bible begins with the book of Genesis, set in the first garden of Eden. What is on my mac. But never forget, it ends with Eden restored in the last chapters of Revelation, the last book.

Look! God's dwelling place is now among the people, and He will dwell with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.' He who was seated on the throne said, 'I am making everything new! — Revelation 21:3-5

Notice all the feeling words used to describe the world we currently inhabit: mourning, crying, and pain. Utter disappointment often taps the place of deep tears. Everything on this side of eternity is in a state of decay. This is simply the natural result of sin entering the equation. Bright days become dark nights. The laughter of living will be eclipsed by the tears of dying. The excitement of this moment is torn away by the disappointment of the next moment. This constant threat to our deep feelings ushers in depression, anxiety, callousness, and, quite honestly, a skepticism about the goodness of God.


We see that all those harsh realities aren't the end, but rather a temporary middle space. Not the place where we are meant to wallow and dwell. Rather the place through which we will have to learn to wrestle well. I need this wrestling. I have honest feelings where I want to throw my hands up in utter frustration and yell about the unfairness of it all. To deny my feelings any voice is to rob me of being human. But to let my feelings be the only voice will rob my soul of healing perspectives with which God wants to comfort me and carry me forward. My feelings and my faith will almost certainly come into conflict with each other. My feelings see rotten situations as absolutely unnecessary hurt that stinks. My soul sees it as fertilizer for a better future. Both these perspectives are real. And they yank me in different directions with never-ending wrestling.

To wrestle well means acknowledging my feelings but moving forward, letting my faith lead the way.

God knows before we eternally dwell we will have to learn how to wrestle well. Do you see the encouragement God is giving us in the passage from Revelation 21 to help us do this when our feelings beg us to doubt our faith? He will stop the continuum of decay and death and utter disappointment. He will make everything new!

In this restored garden of Eden the curse will be lifted and perfection will greet us like a long-lost friend. There will be no gap between our expectations and experiences. They will be one and the same. We won't be hurt. We won't live hurt. We won't be disappointed, and we won't live disappointed. Not in people. Not in ourselves. Not in God. Our feelings and faith will nod in agreement. We will return to a purity of emotion where we can experience the best of our hearts working in tandem with the absolutes of truth.

We won't need to wrestle well between our feelings and our faith in the new Eden, because there will be no competing narrative about God's nature. There will be no corruption of God's nurture. There will be no contrary notions about why God allows things to happen. And there will be no gnawing fear that things might not turn out okay.

We won't need to wrestle well, because we will be well. Whole. Complete. Assured. Secure. Certain. Victorious. And brought full circle in our understanding of truth.

But, we don't live in the perfection of Eden or the yet-to-come Eden restored. Therefore, today we must understand our need to wrestle well in this space between two gardens. And we must learn to live and love in the imperfect rhythms of our clunky humanity, trying to stay on beat within a symphony of divinity.

We will get the words to the song wrong sometimes. We will go off-key and offbeat. We will go sharp, and we will fall flat.

But if God's symphony continues to play loud and strong as the ultimate soundtrack of our lives, we will sense how to get back on track. We will feel how to get back in rhythm. We will hear how to get back in tune.

It's just like when I sing along in my car with a well-produced song. With that soundtrack blaring along with me, I sound amazing. But it's not because I'm suddenly a master musician. It's because the master musician is louder than me, guiding me, holding me in key and on beat. I wrestle well with the song, because I'm not left on my own to hold it all together.

But Heaven help us if I turn the radio down and pick up a microphone to sing it all by myself.

I won't wrestle well. I will wrangle what was beautiful music into an unrecognizable tangle of unpleasant sounds. I will add to the chaotic noise of this world, but I'll miss the glorious soundtrack meant to remind me of the epic love story I'm destined to live with the Great Lover of my soul.

The Gardens Between Guide New York City

Excerpted with permission from It's Not Supposed to Be This Way by Lysa TerKeurst, copyright Lysa TerKeurst.

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When the hardest moments of life have you doubting everything, how do you recover? When God's timing seems questionable, His lack of intervention hurtful, and His promises doubtful, where do you turn?

Lysa invites us into her own journey of faith and, with grit, vulnerability, and honest humor, helps us to see our lives in the context of God's bigger story. Whether we're dealing with daily disappointments or life-altering loss, we can find unexpected strength as we learn what it means to wrestle well between our faith and our feelings.

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Your Turn

That dissatisfied feeling is right. The discontentment that nags at you is correct. The disappointment is justified because it's not supposed to be this way and our souls know it! Come share your thoughts on turning to Jesus with our wrestling. We want to hear from you! ~ Devotionals Daily

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